New Orleans-Style Chicken Marsala with Orzo with Garlicky Spinach
Delivery April 22-26



Here is our twist on the Italian classic chicken marsala, we added a Cajun flare to it. We start off by seasoning a boneless skinless chicken breast with a spice mixture containing paprika, cayenne, oregano, thyme, garlic powder and onion powder. That seasoned chicken breast is sautéed with mushrooms and then topped with a Cajun seasoned marsala pan sauce. The chicken is served with a side of orzo and garlicy spinach. A perfect meal to dine on while you watch your favorite Netflix show.

This meal is ready to warm and enjoy.

Contains dairy

Contains gluten


Ingredients: flour, creole spice, chicken breast, oil, butter, cremini, mushrooms, shiitake, marsala, chicken stock, salt, black pepper, chives

Ingredients: orzo, butter, spinach, garlic, parmesan, chicken stock, balsamic, salt, crushed red pepper