Lemon Bulgur-Stuffed Swiss Chard with Roasted Eggplant with Tahini
Delivery May 13-17


Sometimes we just crave stuffed grape leaves; here is our variation on this Mediterranean classic. Instead of using a typical grape leaf we use blanched leaves of Swiss chard. We then fill them with bulgur, diced tomato, minced fresh herbs and sautéed onion mixture. The filling is seasoned with a red pepper paste, cayenne, and lemon juice. The rolls are then roasted to allow the flavors to meld. We paired a side of tender roasted eggplant topped with creamy tahini to go along with the swiss chard rolls. This meal makes for a great lunch and definitely make heads turn at the office.

This meal is ready to warm and enjoy.

Contains gluten

Contains nuts



Ingredients: swiss chard, bulgur, tomato, herbs, onion, red pepper paste, cayenne, lemon juice, rolls

Ingredients: eggplant, oil, salt, black pepper, tahini, lemon

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